How To Make Money Selling Books on Amazon?

Is your mind consumed by questions like: can you sell books to Amazon, and can you make money selling books on Amazon? Well, you’re in the right place, as we’re here to clear the air and tackle all your queries. If you’re interested in starting a side hustle or launching a successful business, making money selling books on Amazon can be an effective strategy. This approach can help reach customers from around the globe, whether you are looking to liquidate your brick-and-mortar book business, sell rare collectibles, publish your book, or sell children’s or comic books.


Books were Amazon’s bread and butter initially, as it was all they sold. However, with time, they’ve expanded to include a wide range of items. However, even today, books continue to play a significant role in the Amazon marketplace. They have made billions of dollars while revolutionizing the book publishing industry through Amazon book sales.


According to a recent study, online purchases constitute a significant 62% of all books, music, and videos. Considering selling books to Amazon and gaining profits? Our experts can help you.


Ready to enter the world of Amazon book selling? Let’s get started!

Is Selling Books on Amazon Profitable?

“Can I sell books on Amazon and grow a profitable business?” Many people sell books for some extra income, while others turn it into a full-time career due to the revenue. The trick is that you can buy a book for a few dollars and sell it at a higher price, leading to proceeds.


However, that’s not always the case. As a result, you need to do some research to find books that are in high demand. But don’t worry; with online selling tips and tactics, you can succeed at selling books.


If you’re looking for a platform for that, Amazon is the most preferred one. This retail giant has established itself as the undisputed leader in the print book market, with an impressive market share of over 50%. It has also made significant strides in the ebook market, providing authors with a wider audience and more opportunities to sell their works. 


Amazon’s ever-growing customer base is another reason why it’s the go-to platform for selling books. With more and more people signing up for Prime memberships every day, the platform has become the de facto marketplace for purchasing books. Authors are also leveraging Amazon’s powerful algorithms and extensive marketing tools to market their books, expanding their audience.

How To Sell Books On Amazon?

“Do I need a genie to help me sell my book on Amazon?” No, you just need to learn the basics, and you’re good to go! The truth is that it takes time to become a great bookseller. So, to achieve your goals, you need to have a solid strategy in place.


To get started, follow these steps:


  • Start by deciding on a genre of books you’ll be selling.
  • Find out the best-selling books through tools that will aid in research.
  • Get familiar with a few strategies for regularly locating profitable books.
  • Create an Amazon seller account.
  • Put your books on Amazon’s list.
  • Choose an order fulfillment method (FBM or FBA)

How To Make Money on Amazon Selling Books?

Need assistance with how to sell your book on Amazon to make money? Here are some things you need to know. You can sell everything from collectibles to classics, nonfiction, comic books, and textbooks. Sellers are free to choose any genre they like, but a clear understanding of which books would sell well and have high average purchases is mandatory.


Let’s get into the specifics of listing your eBook as a self-published author and selling books back to Amazon.

Selling New Books Online

For many buyers, the feeling of a freshly printed book is inexplainable. New books are usually available through publishers, wholesalers, or distributors. However, they can be expensive, so if you want to take this route, plan accordingly.

Selling Used Books Online

Used books offer greater accessibility and affordability and, in certain cases, can be more profitable compared to new ones. You can find it easily at secondhand bookstores, thrift stores, estate sales, or even just sitting on a shelf. Websites, library sales, and neighborhood yard sales are also viable options to explore when purchasing used books.

Selling Books Without An ISBN

Wondering if selling my book on Amazon is possible without an ISBN? There’s nothing to worry about, as it sure is. You can locate the registration code for a book, known as the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), on the barcode or inside the dust jacket. An ISBN may not be included if the book’s printing date is before 1970. If that is the case, you can actually sell the book on Amazon by requesting an exception.

Selling Collectible or Rare Books Online

Can you sell old and rare books on Amazon? Selling rare or collectible books with limited availability can be lucrative. These may include niche books, first editions, old or signed copies, and certain comic books and graphic novels. Demand is higher, competition is lower, and you can charge a higher price. Just make sure to proceed with the authorization process.

Selling Your eBooks Online

Thinking about sharing your masterpiece with the world? Consider self-publishing with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). With KDP, you have control over your rights and pricing and can make changes anytime. Plus, you earn royalties on sales.

How Do I Sell Books On Amazon?

Are you ready to sell my books to Amazon but unsure where to begin? Well, we have great news for you! Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make your account and listings:

Step 1: Create an Account

To become an Amazon seller, you need to create an account. Usually, there are two types of accounts: Professional and Individual.


  • The Professional account costs $39.99 per month, but it doesn’t involve any additional fees to Amazon when selling a book.
  • On the other hand, an individual account is free, but with every book you sell, you’ll have to pay $0.99. To create an Individual Seller account, simply click “Sign up” to become an individual seller.

To make the right choice when creating an account, estimate your monthly book sales. If you sell less than 40 copies, choose the Individual account. For more sales, opt for a Professional account.

Step 2: List Your Book

1. You can start making listings as soon as your account is ready:

  • Enter your login information for Amazon Seller Central.
  • Go to the Catalog section (located in the upper left corner) and choose the Add Product option.
  • To begin searching for your book, enter its ISBN. Like a Universal Product Code (UPC), this is a unique identifier for each book. You may usually find it on the copyright page on the back of the book beside the bar code.


2. Most books are already listed on Amazon. If this is the case with your book, then follow the following steps:

  • Choose the condition you are offering: new, collectible, or used.
  • Tap on the “Sell this product” button.
  • Provide your book’s SKU here. You can use any code you like for this, and if you don’t provide one, Amazon will generate it automatically.


3. Include your budget, but make sure you don’t overcharge because you are competing with other vendors. With the lowest price, you’re likely to win the buy box.


4. Enter the number of books you are selling.


5. Opt for a method of fulfillment:

  • With Merchant Fulfilled, you handle inventory and shipping on your own.
  • Using Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) allows you to send your books to Amazon and have them handle order fulfillment.

6. To finish, click Save.


If your book doesn’t appear in the search results on Amazon, it means it hasn’t been listed yet. You can remedy this by creating a new listing. Besides providing basic information like the book’s title, author, quantity, and price, you’ll also need to input other significant details.

Step 3: Monitoring Book Sales & Improving

After listing your books for sale, it’s essential to keep track of your sales to determine which ones are selling and which ones aren’t. If some books aren’t, you may need to adjust their prices. As mentioned, it will boost your chances of winning the buy box.


This is a feature that allows customers to purchase a product with a single click. However, you should also be careful not to price your books too low, as it may affect your profit margins.


While some books may take longer to sell than others, choosing the right books to sell can help increase your chances of making a sale. So, ensure you keep an eye on your margins and adjust your prices accordingly.

What's The Cost of Selling Books on Amazon?

When considering selling books on Amazon, it’s important to factor in various expenses such as overhead costs, delivery charges, royalties, and referral fees. Amazon charges a 15% referral fee and a closing fee for each book sold, including the fees associated with a Professional or Individual seller account.


Operational expenses cover FBA charges for storage, disposal, penalties, and shipping. Selling books through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform yields royalties, although Amazon deducts a commission. Despite these fees, selling books on Amazon remains a cost-effective option.

Do You Need an Amazon Seller Account to Sell Books?

As an author intending to sell and publish books, you can do so on Amazon without a Seller Account. You might be thinking of a regular individual seller account or a professional seller account when you hear the term “KDP method,” but that is not the case. Seller Central and KDP are two distinct entities.


For those who want to sell books digitally or in paperback through KDP, the typical seller account verification process, such as providing a utility bill or passport, is unnecessary. Therefore, authors can publish and distribute their books digitally and in print via Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform, making this cost-effective without the need to have a seller account.

How To Publish a Book On Amazon And Make Money?

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is Amazon’s ebook division that assists in quickly formatting, creating, and marketing digital books. Once you’re prepared to publish, KDP will guide you through the process of creating an impactful title, adding authors and contributors, crafting an effective book description, and selecting the most suitable categories for your book. You can also create a pre-order form to promote upcoming ebooks (not available for printed books).


While it may sound interesting to some, others may find this whole process overwhelming. But there’s a solution to every problem, right?


For self-publishing, you have Maven Ghostwriters to take care of everything on your behalf. So don’t waste any more time and get in touch with us. From writing books for you to publishing and distributing them, we’re here to help you. 


So, let’s begin!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it lucrative to sell books on Amazon?

Selling books on Amazon can be a profitable venture depending on your book’s subject and your motivation. According to Amazon’s website, 60% of multichannel vendors reported that Amazon generated the most revenue growth. Globally, annual ebook sales exceed $28 billion, according to the e-commerce giant.

Amazon offers two royalty programs for paperback copies: one provides 60% royalties, and the other offers 40% royalties. If you sell books through Amazon’s regular distribution network, you’ll receive 60% royalties.

KDP is a platform that lets you publish your eBooks, paperbacks, and hardcover books without any cost. So, yes, you can easily utilize KDP to sell your books without the added stress of spending a fortune.